I just literally started using data bricks. I created a workspace, a cluster and uploaded a notebook. But my workspace doesn’t seem to function correctly at the moment.
- I will attach what it looks like when I try to open a notebook
opening notebook and ai assistant issue - Creating a new notebook
creating a new notebook - Despite the error above I can see that a “untitled” notebook was created
untitled notebook was still created
Additional information
I am currently working on a Mac with safari.
Activities before this:
- Created and deployed data bricks service using azure portal: standard tier
- Launched workspace (delete if not appropriate)
workspace full details - Create a cluster/compute: singlenode,13.3LTS, Standard_DS3_V2
- Create Azure Service Principal
- Grant access for data lake to Azure Service Principal
- Created Folder(s) under the Workspace: Riz\Setup\
- Imported a file on the above folder called “mount_storage.py” - expected behaviour was supposed to import my file and open it but in my case I get that blank screen as I attached previously.
Let me know if you need more information.