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UCX Installation

Valued Contributor II

We aim to streamline the UCX installation process by utilizing Databricks CLI and automating the manual input of required details at each question level .

Could you please guide us how can we achieve to automate the parameter's while installation? what are the various options to achieve this? do we any pre provided API or should it be done through programming?

Is there a reason for disabling the manual/clone based installation and is only available option being through Databricks CLI?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Phani1,  Automating the UCX installation process can significantly enhance efficiency and reduce human error. 


Let’s explore the options for automating parameter input during installation:


Databricks CLI:

  • The Databricks Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool for managing Databricks resources programmatically. You can use it to automate UCX installation by scripting the necessary commands.
  • With the CLI, you can create scripts that set up UCX configurations, specify parameters, and execute installation steps without manual intervention.
  • To get started, install the Databricks CLI, authenticate with your Databricks workspace, and then use the relevant commands to automate UCX installation.

Configuration Files:

  • Create configuration files (e.g., YAML, JSON) that contain all the required parameters for UCX installation.
  • Your installation script can read these files and pass the parameters to the installation process.
  • This approach allows you to maintain different configurations for various environments (development, staging, production).

Environment Variables:

  • Set environment variables with the necessary UCX parameters.
  • Your installation script can access these variables during the installation process.
  • Environment variables provide flexibility and allow you to change parameters without modifying the script.

Pre-Provided APIs:

  • UCX itself does not provide specific APIs for installation, but you can leverage existing Databricks APIs.
  • For example, you can use the Databricks REST API to create clusters, configure libraries, and execute installation steps programmatically.
  • Refer to the Databricks API documentation for details.

Custom Scripts:

  • Write custom scripts (Python, Bash, etc.) that automate the entire UCX installation process.
  • These scripts can handle parameter input, execute Databricks CLI commands, and perform any additional setup required.
  • Custom scripts give you full control over the installation process.

Regarding the reason for disabling manual/clone-based installation:

  • Databricks CLI provides a more streamlined and consistent approach to managing resources.
  • Manual installations or cloning can be error-prone, time-consuming, and difficult to reproduce across different environments.
  • By relying on the CLI, you ensure that installations follow a standardized process and can be easily automated and maintained.

Remember to document your automated installation process thoroughly, including the parameters used and any specific considerations for your environment.


Happy automating! 🚀

Valued Contributor II


How do we pass parameters via  config.yml file of UCX ?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Phani1

To pass parameters via the config.yml file of UCX in Databricks, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Databricks Job:

    • Use the Databricks CLI to create a new job. For example:
      databricks jobs create --json-file ./deploy/databricks/config/job.config.json
    • In the JSON configuration file (job.config.json), define the job properties such as name, cluster settings, libraries, timeout, and schedule.
  2. Add Parameters to the Notebook Task:

    • Within the JSON configuration, expand the notebook_task property to include base_parameters. For instance:
        "notebook_task": {
          "notebook_path": "/notebooks/python_notebook",
          "base_parameters": {
            "argument1": "value 1",
            "argument2": "value 2"
    • These parameters will be accessible in your notebook using dbutils.widgets.get("argument1") and similar methods.
  3. Execute the Job:

    • Run the job, and it will execute the specified notebook with the provided parameters.

Remember that this approach allows you to pass custom parameters to your Databricks notebook via the...


Valued Contributor II

Hi Team, 

We don't see option at UCX command level  passing parameters as json /config file, could you please help me in this case how we can automate the installation.






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