Engage in discussions on data warehousing, analytics, and BI solutions within the Databricks Community. Share insights, tips, and best practices for leveraging data for informed decision-making.
Here's your Data + AI Summit 2024 - Warehousing & Analytics recap as you use intelligent data warehousing to improve performance and increase your organization’s productivity with analytics, dashboards and insights.
Keynote: Data Warehouse presente...
I am running this query against parquet:SELECT
SUM(CASE WHEN match_result.ecommerce.has_online_payments THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
FROM parquet.`s3://folder_path/*`when all the values of the object `match_result.ecommerce` are null, I get the following erro...
None of these solutions with coalesce work because it's "match_result.ecommerce" that is null not "match_result.ecommerce.has_online_payments". So it's still trying to extract a value from a null. Help me modify the query accordingly please.
Hi,we'd like to use serverless as the compute for DBT-CLI (of course we already used Serverless SQL before) in a DBT workflow.I configured a normal DBT-task and tried to run a dbt-run command, which i previously tested sucessfully on my local machine...
Hi, thanks for your help!Unfortunately our problem is not the Databricks-CLI we're using on local machines. The problem is the DBT-CLI which we are trying to run on serverless compute inside a Databricks-Workflow.I already tried adding the code you p...
It depends- if you want to connect Power BI to table (wither external or managed) you can do it BUT it will be through cluster (each time you run something on Power BI desktop - it will wake up cluster or SQL endpoint and you will access data in thi...
I'm using unity catalogI've changed the schema of my table by overwriting it with a newer file df.write \
.format('delta') \
.partitionBy(partitionColumn) \
.mode("overwrite") \
.option("overwriteSchema", "true") \
I need to run sql queries against a parquet folder in S3. I am trying to use "read_files" but sometimes my queries fail due to errors while inferring the schema and sometimes without a specified reason. Sample query: SELECT
SUM(CASE WHEN match_resu...
There's a few alternatives for you.
1. a switch in syntax - I doubt this will make much difference, but worth a shot
SELECT ... FROM parquet.`s3://folder_path`
2. Create a view first then query against it. You should get better errors this way.
We're currently using a private cloud implementation of Databricks on AWS (not SaaS version), and the Databricks/Simba ODBC driver v2.6.29 with personal access token to fetch data into desktop tools. Can I enable Okta web/mobile authentication with t...
We are having some issues with getting data from some tables with the character `-` in their tablename.We are connected to the database with an SQL server connection, and the database is (as far as we know) a Microsoft Azure SQL Database. We do not ...
Had the same issue when querying a table with the - character in the table name. Got the error: Incorrect syntax near '-'.Got the error on Databricks runtime version: 13.2 (includes Apache Spark 3.4.0, Scala 2.12)No error when using Databricks runtim...
Hi,is there a way to import tables with UC disallowed characters when creating a foreign catalog? The database we are dealing with contains table names with backspaces and UC seems to completely ignore them when creating the catalog.Thanks for any he...
we are trying to run a select * from one of our catalog tables. we are seeing the error : org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException: Error running query: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Total size of serialized r...
Hello @vishva-fivetran how are you?
To set the spark.driver.maxResultSize property, you can do so in the cluster Spark config. The property spark.driver.maxResultSize can be set to a value higher than the value reported in the exception message. For ...
When creating a cluster in Databricks, I notice an option for enabling Photon. However, this option does not appear when configuring a warehouse. Is Photon enabled by default for warehouses in Databricks, or is there a different procedure to enable i...
@Akshay_Petkar good day!
Photon is enabled by default for Databricks SQL warehouses. There is no need for a separate procedure to enable it for warehouses. For clusters, you have the option to manually enable or disable Photon by selecting the "Use P...
Hey everybody.When creating a SQL Warehouse and trying to start it, I get the following error message:Clusters are failing to launch. Cluster launch will be retried.Request to create a cluster failed with an exception: INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE: Cannot...
One suggestion would be if you could please have the workspace admin check the Data Access Configuration properties in the Workspace Settings for any secrets that may be held which the warehouse is trying to access on start up? These data access prop...
I would like to know how the cost for a warehouse in Databricks is calculated. Specifically, if the cost for a 2x small warehouse is 4 DBUs per hour, how is the cost determined if I use the warehouse for only 30 minutes and then terminate it? Will it...
@Akshay_Petkar As it states in Databricks documentation:Databricks offers you a pay-as-you-go approach with no up-front costs. Only pay for the products you use at per second granularity.It will charge 2 DBUs.
I'm encountering data truncation in my Databricks dashboards. I'm working with a large dataset, and the dashboard only displays a limited number of (truncated) rows.let's take a dataset containing 1 million sales records. The dashboard currently only...
Hi @Akshay_Petkar ,
This is simple in Databricks SQL, just uncheck LIMIT 1000 in the drop down.
Limit 1000 is selected by default for all queries to ensure that the query ret...
According to the documentation the WHERE predicate in a DELETE statement should supports subqueries, including IN, NOT IN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS, and scalar subqueries.if I try to run a query like: DELETE FROM dev.gold.table AS trg
@diego_poggioli Can you try selecting a 'year_month_version' column from the view instead of select * DELETE FROM dev.gold.table AS trg
WHERE year_month_version IN (select year_month_version FROM v_distinct_year_month_version)