@Cert-Team @Certificate @Cert-Bricks
Hi Team,
Please help me, I have just been suspended from my above exam. At first I was told I was looking around too much even though I was genuinely looking at the screen only. I had completed all questions and was reviewing the questions I had starred as I still had plenty of time before submitting. Then the exam was temporarily suspended and the proctor asked me to show the room - my room is small but I had cleaned it and even covered surfaces with items on with a blanket. On my desk was my passport and phone. I was not using my phone at all but simply had it there due to this criteria saying I might need it to verify ID https://kryterion.my.site.com/support/s/article/How-to-Prepare-for-an-Online-Exam-Pre-check?language...
It says that I would be asked to put the smartphone out of reach, although this never happened so it stayed on my desk (I was worried if I get up to put it away then that will be counted as suspicious/ moving around too much). But it can anyway be seen in the video of me that the entire time I was looking directly at the screen. I made a particular effort to not look around or shut my eyes at any point. No one even told me which exam requirement I was violating.
I am so upset as I paid money for this exam and have spent countless hours revising. Please can this issue be sorted urgently, as I was genuinely not cheating and tried my best to fulfill all exam requirements. I would like for either all my answers to be used even if I cannot go back and complete the exam, or the opportunity to retake the exam ASAP.
Below are my details:
- Username: Marina Shishkin
- Email - marinashishkin@kubrickgroup.com
- Exam: Data bricks Certified Data Engineer Associate
- Time: 19th July 2024, 9 AM (GMT+1)
Thank you,