12-10-2024 11:00 PM
We have a date (DD/MM/YYYY) partitioned BQ table. We want to update a specific partition data in 'overwrite' mode using PySpark. So to do this, I applied 'spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode' to 'DYNAMIC' as per the spark bq connector documentation. But still it deleted the other partitioned data which should not be happening.
df_with_partition.write.format("bigquery") \
.option("table", f"{bq_table_full}") \
.option("partitionField", f"{partition_date}") \
.option("partitionType", f"{bq_partition_type}") \
.option("temporaryGcsBucket", f"{temp_gcs_bucket}") \
.option("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode", "DYNAMIC") \
.option("writeMethod", "indirect") \
.mode("overwrite") \
Can anyone please suggest me what I am doing wrong or how to implement this dynamic partitionOverwriteMode. Many thanks.
#pyspark #overwrite #partition #dynamic #bigquery
12-11-2024 03:36 AM
It appears that the issue is related to the behavior of the Spark BigQuery connector and how it handles partition overwrites. Here are a few points to consider:
Ensure that the configuration setting spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode is correctly applied. This can be set at the session level using spark.conf.set("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode", "DYNAMIC") before performing the write operation.
df_with_partition.write.format("bigquery") \
.option("table", f"{bq_table_full}") \
.option("partitionField", f"{partition_date}") \
.option("partitionType", f"{bq_partition_type}") \
.option("temporaryGcsBucket", f"{temp_gcs_bucket}") \
.option("replaceWhere", f"{partition_date} = 'specific_date'") \
.mode("overwrite") \
12-11-2024 11:52 PM - edited 12-11-2024 11:55 PM
Hi @Walter_C ,
Thank you for your response over this issue.
I tried both the options:
- setting up the spark configuration at session level, but did not work
- used the replaceWhere option for a specific partition date, but that also did not work.
In both the cases, all bq table records are getting overwritten or deleted for all partition dates which is not acceptable.
I checked the spark bq connector documentation page, I could not find the 'replaceWhere' option as well.
12-12-2024 06:39 AM
Got it, can you also test the following code:
df_with_partition.write.format("bigquery") \
.option("table", f"{bq_table_full}") \
.option("partitionField", f"{partition_date}") \
.option("partitionType", f"{bq_partition_type}") \
.option("temporaryGcsBucket", f"{temp_gcs_bucket}") \
.option("partitionOverwriteMode", "dynamic") \
.option("writeMethod", "indirect") \
.mode("overwrite") \
12-12-2024 06:48 AM
I already tried this before, which was not worked. Then I tried with 'DYNAMIC' instead of 'dynamic'. But no luck.
One thing I found that, even though I set the 'spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode' to 'DYNAMIC' in cluster advance options or even in the notebook before writer dataframe, in all the cases, this partitionOverwriteMode property is not being actually set up in the Spark UI SQL/Dataframe Properties whereas I can see the other properties very well which I set up during cluster creation or even in the notebook.
So this could be the problem with 'spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode' property set up within the databricks cluster. Any idea how to overcome this?
12-12-2024 07:15 AM
12-12-2024 07:34 AM
I reviewed this with an Spark resource, seems that for this Indirect method will be required, you can follow information in https://github.com/GoogleCloudDataproc/spark-bigquery-connector?tab=readme-ov-file#indirect-write
12-15-2024 10:21 PM
I raised an issue to spark-biquery-connector where they mentioned to use 'spark-3.5-bigauery-0.41.0.jar' whereas I was using Databricks Runtime Version: 15.4 LTS (includes Apache Spark 3.5.0, Scala 2.12) which include spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.12-0.41.0.jar.
So, I tried this:
spark_v1 = SparkSession.builder \
.appName("SampleSparkSession") \
.config("spark.jars.packages", "/Workspace/Users/xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxx/spark-3.5-bigquery-0.41.0.jar") \
.config("spark.jars.excludes", "/databricks/jars/spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.12-0.41.0.jar") \
But apply the above include and exclude the packages using spark config, the jars not even included or excluded in the actual running cluster. (by checking the Spark UI System Properties)
So, any idea how these jars can be included or excluded to the Databricks cluster which is using Databricks Runtime Version: 15.4 LTS.
12-16-2024 04:03 AM
Remove the Default JAR:
is included by default in Databricks Runtime 15.4 LTS, and you need to exclude it. This can be done by creating an init script to remove the JAR file from the cluster.Create an Init Script:
Create an init script that removes the default spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.12-0.41.0.jar
from the cluster. Here is an example of what the script might look like:
rm /databricks/jars/spark-bigquery-with-dependencies_2.12-0.41.0.jar
Upload the Init Script:
Configure the Cluster to Use the Init Script:
).Add the Custom JAR:
to DBFS or another accessible location.spark-3.5-bigquery-0.41.0.jar
.Restart the Cluster:
12-22-2024 11:09 PM
The init_script worked to remove the unwanted jars from the cluster. This is good news.
But whenever I tried to install the required jar on cluster configuration using library source as GCS path (gs://spark-lib/bigquery/spark-3.5-bigquery-0.41.0.jar), the UI shows that the jar is installed. Then when I execute the notebook to run the spark job, it returned me the below error which indicate that either the spark session unable to identify the spark-bigquery-connector jar or the jar is not installed successfully.
Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o574.save.
: org.apache.spark.SparkClassNotFoundException: [DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND] Failed to find the data source: com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.BigQueryRelationProvider. Make sure the provider name is correct and the package is properly registered and compatible with your Spark version. SQLSTATE: 42K02
I tried to verify whether the jar was installed on the cluster successfully or not by checking the Spark UI classpath properties or even other properties. But could not found such. Screenshot attached below to refer that the jar was installed from GCS path.
12-31-2024 02:34 AM
@soumiknow this sounds like the jar was probably installed, but not distributed to the spark cluster, do you see from the Spark logs (Driver/Executors) the jar getting distributed and localized? You may also add the classloading verbose flag to understand if there's a problem with some older version getting distributed before this new jar is placed first in the classpath.
12-31-2024 04:59 AM
Hi @VZLA ,
Please guide me to find whether the jar getting distributed and localized as well as how to add the classloading verbose flag.
12-31-2024 05:32 AM
You can add to both the driver and executors extraJavaOptions the -verbose:class option, and then check the Spark Logs, example:
Same with regard to the jar distribution and localization, this will be visible in the Spark Logs.
01-02-2025 11:49 PM
Hi @VZLA ,
I added the extraJavaOptions and after that I can see the following the in the logs:
downloading https://maven-central.storage-download.googleapis.com/maven2/com/google/cloud/spark/spark-bigquery-connector-common/0.41.0/spark-bigquery-connector-common-0.41.0.jar ...
[SUCCESSFUL ] com.google.cloud.spark#spark-bigquery-connector-common;0.41.0!spark-bigquery-connector-common.jar (379ms)
:: modules in use:
com.google.cloud.spark#bigquery-connector-common;0.41.0 from preferred-maven-central-mirror in [default]
com.google.cloud.spark#spark-3.5-bigquery;0.41.0 from preferred-maven-central-mirror in [default]
com.google.cloud.spark#spark-bigquery-connector-common;0.41.0 from preferred-maven-central-mirror in [default]
com.google.cloud.spark#spark-bigquery-dsv2-common;0.41.0 from preferred-maven-central-mirror in [default]
When I execute my notebook, it returned the same error:
Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o438.save.
: org.apache.spark.SparkClassNotFoundException: [DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND] Failed to find the data source: com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.BigQueryRelationProvider. Make sure the provider name is correct and the package is properly registered and compatible with your Spark version. SQLSTATE: 42K02
Can you please suggest any Databricks Runtime Version which include spark-bigquery-connector version 0.41.0 with spark 3.5?
01-03-2025 08:11 AM - edited 01-03-2025 08:13 AM
So at this point you have two different issues, 1) Need to use the v0.40, and 2) Currently getting a DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND error.
case name if name.equalsIgnoreCase("bigquery") =>
Could you please run this from a notebook in DBR 15.4 LTS with no additional libraries attached to it:
class_name = "com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.BigQueryRelationProvider"
# Get the class reference
cls = spark._jvm.Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(class_name)
# Get the JAR file path
jar_path = cls.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath()
print(f"The class {class_name} is loaded from: {jar_path}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error locating the class {class_name}: {e}")
It should return:
The class com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.BigQueryRelationProvider is loaded from: /databricks/jars/----ws_3_5--third_party--bigquery-connector--spark-bigquery-connector-hive-2.3__hadoop-3.2_2.12--118181791--fatJar-assembly-0.22.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
If it does not then, the reason clearly is the absence of a jar file with the class mentioned in the error message.
The MVN output you've shared though is actually interesting, solely based on my personal assumption, you've attempted to add the spark-bigquery artifact through Cluster Library with Maven as source, but the artifact that you have pulled does not have the BigQueryRelationProvider as well, if you're ok with going with the latest version, the Maven coordinates you should be using are "com.google.cloud.spark:spark-bigquery_2.12:0.41.1"
Then rerunning the same code:
class_name = "com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.BigQueryRelationProvider"
cls = spark._jvm.Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(class_name)
jar_path = cls.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath()
print(f"The class {class_name} is loaded from: {jar_path}")
# Print the package information (often contains version info)
package = cls.getPackage()
print(f"Package Specification Title: {package.getSpecificationTitle()}")
print(f"Package Specification Version: {package.getSpecificationVersion()}")
print(f"Package Implementation Version: {package.getImplementationVersion()}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
Should return:
The class com.google.cloud.spark.bigquery.BigQueryRelationProvider is loaded from: /local_disk0/tmp/addedFile235d6f3b981a4f61bb72e599c2d013986386268607538077001/com_google_cloud_spark_spark_bigquery_2_12_0_41_1.jar
Package Specification Title: BigQuery DataSource v1 for Scala 2.12
Package Specification Version: 0.41
Package Implementation Version: 0.41.1
Whether the library and your current cluster status after the changes is stable, supported or not, I'm not sure., but you're always welcome to raise a support ticket and one of our engineers will kindly continue with the assistance.
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