create table test.json_test_01 (
id int,
description string,
struct_address STRUCT<street_number: STRING, street_name: STRING, city: STRING, province: STRING>,
arrary_phone ARRAY<STRUCT<phone_number: STRING, phone_type: STRING>>
insert into test.json_test_01
select 1 as id,
'first' as description,
STRUCT('1001', 'street1', 'city1', 'province1') as struct_address,
ARRAY(STRUCT('1000001', 'Home'), STRUCT('1000002', 'Cell'));
insert into test.json_test_01
select 2 as id,
'second' as description,
STRUCT('2001', 'street2', 'city2', 'province2') as struct_address,
ARRAY(STRUCT('2000001', 'Home'), STRUCT('2000002', 'Work'));
we can update the property in struct column:
update test.json_test_01
set struct_address.street_number = '3001'
where id = 1;
but how to update the property in array of struct?
update test.json_test_01
set arrary_phone[*].phone_type = 'X'
where id = 2;