The azure event hub "my_event_hub" has a total of 5 partitions ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4")
The readstream should only read events from partitions "0" and "4"
event hub configuration as streaming source:-
val name = "my_event_hub"
val connectionString = "my_event_hub_connection_string"
val max_events = 50
val positions = Map(
new NameAndPartition(name, 0) -> EventPosition.fromEndOfStream,
new NameAndPartition(name, 4) -> EventPosition.fromEndOfStream
val eventHubsConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)
official doc for structured-streaming-eventhubs-integation:
Using the above configuration the streaming application reads from all 5 partitions of the event hub. Can we read from specific partitions only?
For example read events only from 2 partitions "0" and "4" with the checkpoint and offsets pointed to the specific partitions.