Topic. I am trying to upgrade some external tables in our hive metastore to the unity catalog. I used the upgrade functionality in the UI, as well as its provided SQL:
CREATE TABLE `unity_catalog`.`default`.`table` LIKE `hive_metastore`.`schema`.`table` COPY LOCATION;
ALTER TABLE `hive_metastore`.`schema`.`table` SET TBLPROPERTIES ('upgraded_to' = '`unity_catalog`.`default`.`table`', 'comment' = 'This table is deprecated. Please update to use `unity_catalog`.`default`.`table` instead of `hive_metastore`.`schema`.`table`');
But I get this error:
[RequestId=fe8c176e-a7d4-4639-bd7f-83fafca14131 ErrorClass=EXTERNAL_LOCATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST] parent external location for path `s3://_______` does not exist."
But it most definitely exists + the s3 bucket is mounted, so I'm not sure what it's even looking for the raw s3 location. Shouldn't it be looking for dbfs://mnt/________??
Would love any suggestions, thank you!