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Community Edition Login Issues Below is a list of troubleshooting steps for failing to login with email/password at   ...

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Community Edition Login Issues


Below  is a list of troubleshooting steps for failing to login with email/password at




Troubleshooting Tips


  • Signing up for a Databricks trial will not give you access to Community Edition



  • Note: If you never chose this ^ gray linked option upon sign in, you are not participating in the Databricks Community Edition.


If you signed up before May 14, 2022 -

  • Please confirm that the email you are using upon re-sign in has the correct upper/lowercase convention you used to sign up. Both the username part and the domain part are case-sensitive. The email upper/lowercasing you signed up with can be found in your initial welcome email:



  • Ex: if you are trying to sign in as john.smith (instead of John.Smith), you will get an error.


  • Your domain needs to be all lowercase:
    • For example, John.Smith@YAHOO.COM should be entered as:


  • And if your email domain is one of the following:,,,, enter your email as all lower case, remove any dots, and remove any “+” signs and everything after the plus sign from the username/email address.
    • For example, if you signed up as, you should login as:



If you are still running into issues, your workspace might be locked temporarily because of unusual activity, please reach out to


Thank you!




New Contributor II

Hi @Kaniz_Fatma 

I have reset my password as well however it's not allowing me to login onto Community page while with the same account, I have logged in here to post this message.

Please refer the attached screenshot below

Request your help please.

New Contributor II

I was using databricks commmunity and the next day when i try to login, it feedback me with this message.


Can you guys help to verify what's going on?

New Contributor II

Hey,I have been logged out and even the password reset email is not coming. How much time it takes to resolve?

My account is

New Contributor II

Hi ,

I am unable to login to the community edition databricks account i setup yesterday

Hi @tejeshbimplwadThank you for contacting Databricks Community Discussion Forum.


Please note that for any issues related to the Databricks Community Edition product, you can find helpful resources here. If you encounter any difficulties beyond what's covered in that link, please feel free to submit a ticket with Databricks Support for further assistance.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Best regards,

Databricks Community Team

New Contributor II

Unable to login to Databricks Community.
I am getting this error message `We were not able to find a Community Edition workspace with this email.`

New Contributor II

I have the same issue: We were not able to find a Community Edition workspace with this email

How can it be resolved ?

New Contributor II


I wrongly create a 14 trial instead of the community account. How can i switch back to community version? 



New Contributor II


Same problem for me. Worskapce seems blocked. I try to reset the password I never receive the emails


New Contributor


I've created my account and use it yesterday with the email adress I am using here. But today when I try to connect I have this message :

"You entered an invalid email or password. For help, see Community Edition Login Issues."

And if I click on "Forgot Password?", I don't receive any email (I've checked the spams).

Could you please help me to retrieve my account (and my work of yesterday) ?

Best regards

New Contributor

I keep getting logged out, then I get the message 'We were not able to find a Community Edition workspace with this email.' When I try to reset password I get an email and when I reset it I get 'Your password was successfully reset but we were not able to find a Community Edition workspace with this email.' 

So every time I am logged out I have to create my account from scratch again which it surprisingly lets me do but that means all my experiments are lost.

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