We get errors like this,
Recursive view `x` detected (cycle: `x` -> `x`)
.. in our long-term working code, that has worked just fine in Spark 2.4.5 (Runtime 6.4), when we run it on a Spark 3.2 cluster (Runtime 10.0).
It happens whenever we have,
<x is a Dataframe>
... in order to use Spark SQL such as,
y = spark.sql("""
select ...
from x
It seems that the ('x') name of the
... needs to be globally unique and cannot be overwritten (even if the function "createOrReplaceTempView" has the word "replace" in it).
Is there a fix for this issue in general without setting the global "spark.<something>.legacy" option? (We prefer to avoid that)
If there is no fix, our current cumbersome re-write would be to rewrite every
z = f'x_{timestamp_as_text_with_underscores}'
... and then ofc use it as,
y = spark.sql("""
select ...
from z
... such, but we would prefer a more elegant solution, if there is one?