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Suspended Exam? Don't worry! Our support team can help!

Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

Taking exams is so stressful already, and if your exam gets suspended it is extra stressful. Don't worry! Our support team is awesome and will help you get back on track.

The most important step is to file a ticket in our Help Center. Be sure to include the following details in your ticket:

  • Username
  • Exam name

NOTE: Please do not post your exam username publicly, such as here in the community forums, as this is private information.

The process will be faster if you can also offer a couple of dates/times that you are available to resume your exam. Once the support team has you rescheduled, you can log into your test taker account and resume your exam exactly where you left off. For more information please visit Certification FAQ

132 REPLIES 132

New Contributor II


Hi @Cert-Team @Certus 

I am writing to bring to your attention an issue I encountered during my recent Databricks Data Analyst exam. Unfortunately, the exam was suspended due to technical difficulties with the video streaming, which appeared to be outside my control.

During the exam, the video stream paused for the first time, and a customer support representative intervened to relaunch the exam. A reschedule link was sent but the link was sent for the timeslot while i was on call with the technical representative so I couldn't check it on time. 

However, the stream paused again, and I attempted to diagnose the issue by closing and reopening the camera to determine if it was a camera or streaming issue. Subsequently, another customer support representative conducted a thorough room check and instructed me to focus on the exam. I was very cooperative and showed everything whatever he asked .Shortly after, the exam was unexpectedly suspended.

It seems the suspension was due to a technical issue with the video stream rather than any action on my part. I kindly request that you review this matter and consider rescheduling the exam at the earliest convenience.

Kindly reschedule as soon as possible .I must do this certification Kindly reschedule as soon as possible.

support =  Request # 00599718

Hello @techfrontiers ,

We are sorry to hear that your exam was suspended. Thank you for filing a ticket with our support team. Please allow the support team 24-48 hours for a resolution. In the meantime, you can review the following documentation:
Behavioral considerations
Room requirements

Thanks & Regards

Hello @techfrontiers ,

We are sorry to hear that your exam was suspended. Thank you for filing a ticket with our support team. Please allow the support team 24-48 hours for a resolution. In the meantime, you can review the following documentation:
Behavioral considerations
Room requirements

Thanks & Regards

New Contributor III


I recently took the Data Engineer Associate Exam, and unfortunately, it was suspended without any explanation. During the exam, I complied with all the instructions provided by the proctor team, including showing my entire room as requested. I would also like to bring to your attention that my test was paused multiple times during the session. Despite this, I followed all the instructions from the proctor team. They mentioned they needed time to review the recording, but shortly thereafter, the exam was suspended without any clarification regarding the reason. I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter and providing further details about the suspension. Additionally, I would like to emphasize the urgency of this issue as I need the certification as soon as possible for my current requirements.

I am attaching the ticket number for your reference: 00602713.

Hello @Harikrish ,

We are sorry to hear that your exam was suspended. Thank you for filing a ticket with our support team. Please allow the support team 24-48 hours for a resolution. In the meantime, you can review the following documentation:
Behavioral considerations
Room requirements

Thanks & Regards

New Contributor II

Hi @Cert-TeamOPS and @Cert-Team ,

Help in resuming my Databricks Generative AI Engineering certification exam which got suspended for no wrong doing. 

My Databricks Generative AI Engineering certification got suspended this morning without doing anything unfair or employing any unethical means. This is very disappointing as I have invested a lot of time in preparing for this exam. I was interrupted 3 times during the exam for no proper reason and I had to face this ordeal without employing any unfair means. Sequence of events that happened are:

  1. I was warned about looking elsewhere. However, I was just thinking and not doing anything wrong.
  2. After few minutes, my test got paused and I had to wait for an agent for 5-7 minutes. Once the agent was live, he immediately messaged saying there was an error and assured me that there won’t be any more interruptions. Also, I was suggested to close my eyes when I am thinking and not look elsewhere. I followed the said advice to avoid any more hindrance.
  3. After a few minutes, again my test got paused, this time for no reason at all. After waiting for 5-7 minutes, an agent came live again and asked to show where my laptop was placed and the whole room. Though, my room was well lit and I took all the precautions as suggested, my exam got suspended and I was being asked to reach out to Databricks support.

Request you to help me resume the test again at the earliest, so that I can successfully complete the exam.

Certification Name: Databricks certified Generative AI Engineer Associate

Data Scheduled: 27 January 2025 1000H Asia/Calcutta

Databricks Support Ticket Number: #00606881

New Contributor II

@Cert-Team , @Cert-TeamOPS  - Please help reschedule at the earliest. I have commented on the raised support ticket with time slots I am ok with to resume and successfully complete the exam. Alternatively I can be reached on mail or mobile number as well to confirm a slot.

Hello @Kaushik4 ,

We are sorry to hear that your exam was suspended. Thank you for filing a ticket with our support team. Please allow the support team 24-48 hours for a resolution. In the meantime, you can review the following documentation:
Behavioral considerations
Room requirements

Thanks & Regards

Hello @Kaushik4 ,

We are sorry to hear that your exam was suspended. Thank you for filing a ticket with our support team. Please allow the support team 24-48 hours for a resolution. In the meantime, you can review the following documentation:
Behavioral considerations
Room requirements

Thanks & Regards

New Contributor II

Dear Team,

I have faced the same issue of exam suspension of Databricks Data Engineer Certified Professional because of eye movement.


I've raised the ticket through help center with request ##


Can someone help me to re-schedule my exam on 2nd February 2025 : 06 PM IST.

Your help is really appreciated

New Contributor II

Dear Team,


I have faced the same issue of exam suspension of Databricks Data Engineer Certified Professional because of eye movement.




I've raised the ticket through help center with request #00606920.




Can someone help me to re-schedule my exam on 2nd February 2025 : 06 PM IST.


Your help is really appreciated

Hello @abhishek4 ,

We are sorry to hear that your exam was suspended. Thank you for filing a ticket with our support team. Please allow the support team 24-48 hours for a resolution. In the meantime, you can review the following documentation:
Behavioral considerations
Room requirements

Thanks & Regards

New Contributor II

Dear Team,

I have faced the same issue of exam suspension for the Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional exam. I showed my entire room, and while doing that my exam got suspended. Now, in my web assessor account, my exam is marked as in-progress. Please allow me to take the exam as soon as possible.

I have raised the ticket through the help center with request ID #03110902.

Can someone help me re-schedule my exam for 1st February 2025, at 12:30 PM IST

Your help is really appreciated.

Databricks Employee
Databricks Employee

@abhijithrn_de please file a ticket with our support team - unfortunately you filed a ticket with Krtyerion and they cannot reschedule a suspended exam. 

Thanks for reaching out, I have raised a new ticket here : file a ticket with our support team 
Request ID : 
Please help me re-schedule my exam for 1st February 2025, at 12:30 PM IST

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