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Hello everyone. I am working with tables that need an identity column. I currently have a view in which I cast the different columns to the data type that I want. Now I want the result of this view to be inserted or merged into a table. The schema of...
A delta lake table is created with identity column and I'm not able to load the data parallelly from four process. i'm getting the metadata exception error.I don't want to load the data in temp table . Need to load directly and parallelly in to delta...
I'm having the same issue, need to load a large amount of data from separate files into a delta table and I want to do it with a for each loop so I don't have to run it sequentially which will take days. There should be a way to handle this
i am trying to insert into a table with an identity column using a select query.However, if i include the identity column or ignore the identity column in my insert it throws errors. Is thee a way to insert into select * from a table if the insert t...
Here's me use case: I'm migrating out of an old DWH, into Databricks. When moving dimension tables into Databricks, I'd like old SKs (surrogate keys) to be maintained, while creating the SKs column as an IDENTITY column, so new dimension values get a...
Hi, I created delta table with identity column using this syntax:Id BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITYMy steps:1) Created table with Id using syntax above.2) Added two rows with Id = 1 and Id = 2 (BY DEFAULT allows to do that).3) Run Insert (wit...
While inserting into target table i am getting an error '"not enough data columns;target has 3 but the inserted data has 2" but it's the identity column which is the 8th column ".insert into table A(col 1,col 2,col3)select col2,col3from table Bjoin t...
Hi @sky blue Hope all is well! Just wanted to check in if you were able to resolve your issue and would you be happy to share the solution or mark an answer as best? Else please let us know if you need more help. We'd love to hear from you.Thanks!
I want to create a surrogate in the delta table And i used the identity column id-Generated as DefaultCan i insert rows into the delta table using only spark.sql like Insert query ? or i can also use write delta format options? If i use the df.write ...
Hello @Menaka Murugesan ,If you are using the identity column, I believe you would have created the table as below, (starts with value 1 and step 1)CREATE TABLE my_table (
value STRING
)You can insert values i...
How would I implement the Identity column in Delta Live Tables using Python syntax?GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY [ ( [ START WITH start ] [ INCREMENT BY step ] ) ]
Hi @Kory Skistad Please find below the table schema definition to use in a python dlt pipeline. You can see it mentions the identity column definition. @dlt.table( comment="Raw data on sales", schema=""" customer_id STRING, customer_name STR...
I found an issue:For a table with an identity column defined.when the table column is renamed using this method, the identity definition will be removed. That means using an identity column in a table requires extra attention to check whether the ide...
try to avoid reload table, I found we can upgrade table version, and use rename column commandALTER TABLE test_id2 SET TBLPROPERTIES ( 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name', 'delta.minReaderVersion' = '2', 'delta.minWriterVersion' = '6')ALTER TABLE ...
I have created a database called retail and inside database a table is there called sales_order. I want to create an identity column in the sales_order table, but while creating it I am getting an error.
if you are using 'delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name' on your table i could not get it to work, without that line .. for the not matched .. WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (columnname,columnName2) values(columnname,columnName2)WHEN MATCHED Then UPDAT...
After accumulating many updates to a delta table,like,keyExample bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1),my identity column values are in the hundreds of millions. Is there any way that I can reset this value through vacuumi...
Hey there @Andrew Fogarty Does @Werner Stinckens's response answer your question? If yes, would you be happy to mark it as best so that other members can find the solution more quickly? Else please let us know if you need more help. Thanks!
I'm sure this is probably some oversight on my part, but I don't see it. I'm trying to create a delta table with an identity column. I've tried every combination of the syntax I can think of. %sql
create or replace table IDS.picklist
( picklist_id...